Program Coordination

The TEO oversees Education (EDUC) courses in the Faculty. All other teacher education courses are offered by four faculty departments:

  1. Curriculum & Pedagogy (EDCP),
  2. Language and Literacy (LLED),
  3. Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS), and
  4. Educational Studies (EDST).

In general, questions about course details should be directed to the appropriate department personnel via the course coordinator. For example, an EDCP course inquiry should be directed to the Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy while an EDUC course inquiry should be directed to the TEO.

The Faculty of Education website is an excellent resource for learning about all the various departments, institutes, and service centres.

Coordination of Assignments

Bachelor of Education teacher candidates are enrolled in many courses during their program. To ensure that they have adequate time to complete all assignments, instructors are asked to coordinate the deadlines for assignment submission. Where possible, attention should also be given to an appropriate course workload across the program. Elementary cohorts hold instructional meetings in the fall to discuss this, and the TEO meets with elementary and secondary course coordinators.

Course Outlines (EDUC Courses)

Instructors are required to provide teacher candidates with course outlines that contain written expectations, (e.g., assignments, attendance, missed classes, academic integrity, professional conduct), at the beginning of each course. The date and session of each course needs to be included. Please include elements, such as inquiry; social justice, equity and diversity; language and culture; respect and inclusion; and Indigenous perspectives where possible.

Please see the Senate Policy V-130: Content and Distribution of Course Syllabi (effective August 2019) that sets out new expectations for course syllabi.

We encourage you to copy and paste the suggested wording of these teacher education policies into your course outlines. Departments may have their own guidelines.

Suggested Wording:

Academic Integrity

Suggested Wording:

The integrity of academic work depends on the honesty of all those who work in this environment and the observance of accepted conventions concerning such practices as acknowledging the work of others. Plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct are taken very seriously at UBC, whether committed by faculty, staff or students. You should be aware of the sections of the University Calendar that address academic misconduct and of the university’s website on scholarly integrity. The Teacher Education Office posts its guidelines on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism and the UBC library also has a useful webpage on academic integrity and plagiarism (and tips for avoiding plagiarism). If you have questions or concerns about any of these policies or conventions in relation to how they apply to the work you do in this course, please discuss them with me.

See Understanding Academic Integrity (UBC Chapman Learning Commons)

Attendance and Participation

Suggested Wording:

Attendance and participation are essential to the experiential learning that is necessary within a professional program. Participation in class activities and discussions form the basis of professional inquiry and development. Teacher candidates are expected to attend all scheduled classes, lectures and seminars. Satisfactory attendance includes, but is not limited to, attending on time, staying in class throughout the entire lesson, and participating in all scheduled coursework and field experiences, as well as online learning modalities. Teacher candidates who miss a significant amount of class time may be required to repeat the course. If you are going to be absent, please inform me by email, by phone, or in writing.

See Attendance + Participation for more details.

Pass/Fail Grading

Suggested Wording:

Most courses in the teacher education program use a pass/fail grading system. For this course, only “pass” or “fail” will appear on your transcript. In a professional faculty, passing a course entails both good academic performance as well as active participation in learning activities. Students are expected to meet all criteria to receive a passing mark. If assignments do not meet expected standards, you will have one opportunity to revise and resubmit assignments. In such cases, please attach the first version of the assignment and highlight the changes you have made in response to my comments. If you have continued difficulty meeting expectations, I will discuss your situation with you and also with the Teacher Education Office. It is my responsibility to provide you with timely, specific and helpful responses to your assignments.

Professional Conduct

Suggested Wording:

Teacher candidates in the Faculty of Education are expected to adhere to principles of professional conduct while on campus and in schools.

See Professional Conduct for more details.

Respectful Learning Environment

Suggested Wording:

The Faculty of Education is committed to creating a respectful workplace and learning environment that supports inclusion based on the principles of equity, diversity and social justice in order to create an educational and employment environment that supports our community members’ full participation. The Faculty of Education is committed to providing accessible, usable, and welcoming spaces for faculty, staff, students, and visitors with disabilities, members of racialized communities, Indigenous people, trans, two-spirit and gender-diverse people, regardless of their age, sexual orientation, social status, religion, ethno-linguistic, nationality and citizenship status.

Faculty of Education courses occur in learning environments that are inclusive of gender identity, gender expression, sex, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, ability, age, etc. Students, instructors, visitors and readings/media in Education courses may raise controversial issues. Learners and educators expect to be treated respectfully at all times and in all interactions. Non-sexist, non-racist, non-homophobic, non-transphobic and non-heterosexist language is expected in Faculty of Education class discussions and course assignments.

Please feel welcome to email to your instructor your name and pronoun and how you would like these to be used.

Teacher candidates are expected to adhere to the UBC policy on respectful environment. Participants in this course are expected to demonstrate all the qualities of professionalism, arriving at each class fully prepared, engaging actively in the teaching and learning process, and interacting ethically with peers and the instructor. Classes will be conducted in an atmosphere of respect for each other and for the ideas expressed.

Suggested Wording:

My responsibility in this class is to model professional conduct and to guide you to an understanding of professionalism when you are on campus and in the field.

Students with Disabilities

Suggested Wording:

If you have a letter from the Center for Accessibility indicating that you have a disability that requires specific accommodation, please present the letter to me so that we can discuss possible accommodation. To request academic accommodation due to a disability, first meet with an advisor in the Center for Accessibility to determine your eligible accommodations/services.

Please keep the Teacher Education Office informed about requests for accommodation.

Religious Observances

For anticipated absences, teacher candidates must meet with a program coordinator/program manager and/or notify the Teacher Education Office in writing at least two weeks in advance.