Guidelines for School-based Coordinators and Administrators

School administrators and/or teachers play important roles in supporting the coordination of practicum placements with the program managers, and in supporting the practicum experiences of teacher candidates.


  • Recommend and encourage experienced members of the teaching staff to mentor teacher candidates.
  • Communicate with teacher candidates regarding school philosophy and how to become contributing members of the school community.
  • Communicate school safety policies, and ensure completion of required health and safety documentation.


  • Support school advisors, faculty advisors, and teacher candidates in problem-solving issues.
  • Provide cross-checks for teacher candidates if necessary.

Relationship Building

  • Help teacher candidates become a welcome and participating member of the school staff.
  • Provide opportunities for teacher candidates to become familiar with the school and district personnel.
  • Collaborate with school advisors and the staff as a whole to provide support and professional development for teacher candidates.