Student Orientation

Orientation is an important and mandatory starting point in the teacher education program. For the Student Orientation, we have a day of engaging learning activities planned. You will find out how to prepare for the year ahead, consider important issues in education, and connect with your colleagues.

Student Orientations Dates:

Navigating the BEd & Alumni Panel Schedule

NAVIGATING THE BEd & Alumni Panel Schedule

Thursday, August 29, 2024 | Online
(Zoom link will be sent via BEd Newsletter email on July 18)

Please note, this schedule is subject to change.

10:00 a.m.
Welcome and Land Acknowledgement | Dr. Karen Ragoonaden, Associate Dean, Teacher Education

10:05 a.m.
Overview of Session | John Yamamoto, Director, Teacher Education Office

  • Rod Brown, Associate Director, Teacher Education Office
  • Greta Bartsch, Program Manager, Practicum
  • Graham Setters, Program Manager, Student Services

10:10 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.
BEd Alumni Panel Presentation | Monika Jandu, MC

  • Panelist Moderator: Monika Jandu (BEd’24, Secondary)
  • Panelist: Tessa Antone (BEd’24, Elementary & Middle Years)
  • Panelist: Tatomme Flanagan (BEd’24, Elementary & Middle Years)
  • Panelist: Sandy Henry (BEd’24, Elementary & Middle Years)
  • Panelist: Philip Hohol (BEd’24, Secondary)
  • Panelist: Jacob Lauzon (BEd’24, Elementary & Middle Years)
  • Panelist: Jaskarn Singh (BEd’23, Secondary)

10:40 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 
Question & Answer Period | John Yamamoto, Rod Brown, Greta Bartsch, and Graham Setters

11:00 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.
Navigating the BEd | Graham Setters and Greta Bartsch, Program Managers

11:25 a.m.
Closing Remarks | Greta Bartsch

11:30 a.m.

Secondary Orientation Schedule

2024/25 Secondary Schedule

Please note, this schedule is subject to change.

10:00 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.
Welcome | Dr. Karen Ragoonaden, Associate Dean, Teacher Education
Welcome to Territory | Marny Point, Lecturer, NITEP (Indigenous Teacher Education Program)

10:05 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Remarks | Dr. Jan Hare, Dean, Faculty of Education

10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Overview of the BEd Program | Dr. Karen Ragoonaden
Professionalism and Attendance Policy | John Yamamoto, Director, Teacher Education Office
Introduction to SLIDO

10:30 a.m. – 11:10 a.m. 
Ed Lightening Talks | Dr. Harper Keenan, Assistant Professor, EDCP, Dr. Melanie Nelson, Assistant Professor, ECPS, Dr. Peter Nelson, Assistant Professor of Teaching, EDCP, and Dr. Sofia Noori, Assistant Professor, EDCP
SLIDO Questions | Graham Setters & Greta Bartsch, Program Managers, TEO

11:10 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.
Stretch Break

11:20 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.
Jessica Knott, Director, Office of Indigenous Education

11:25 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Practicum | Greta Bartsch, Program Manager – Practicum, TEO

11:30 a.m. – 11:35 a.m.
Community Field Experience (CFE) | Tricia Murray, Program Manager – Community Field Experience (Local, Rural and International)

11:35 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.
Michelle Lim, Education Embedded Counsellor

11:40 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Student Services | Graham Setters, Program Manager – Indigenous, Rural & Remote, and International Cohort BEd Program Pathways, TEO

11:50 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.
Learning Design

11:55 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Introduction to Campus Quest | Dr. Natasha Boškić, Director, Learning Design, and Eduardo Rebagliati, Learning Technology Specialist, LDDI

12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Campus Quest

12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Secondary Inquiry Meetings (please click for more info)

Following lunch, secondary teacher candidates will gather with their inquiry groups. This is an opportunity to connect, ask questions, and form community. Find your section number for EDUC 450 in Workday.

Section 305 Technology Education
SCRF 1106 | Presenter: Kieran Forde

Section 306 – Business Education | Home Economics | Career Education (Chef Ed)
SCRF 1214 | Presenter: Chrissy Smith

Section 307 – Art
SCRF 1107 | Presenter: Marie-France Bérard

Section 308 – Mathematics | Physics
SCRF 1210 | Presenter: Susan Gerofsky

Section 309 – Music
SCRF 1317 | Presenter: Karen Lee

Section 311 – Science
SCRF 1207 | Presenter: Sandra Scott

Section 312 – Science
SCRF 1204 | Presenter: Douglas Adler

Section S14 – Physical Education
SCRF 1128 | Presenter: LeAnne Petherick

Section S17 – English | English Language Learner Education | Modern Languages | Theatre
SCRF 310 | Presenter: TBA

Section S18 – English | English Language Learner Education | Modern Languages | Theatre
Room TBA | Presenter: TBA

Section S19 – Social Studies
SCRF 1130 | Presenter: Stephanie Anderson Redmond

Section S21 – Social Studies
TBA | Presenter: Chris Stemo

Section S22*
IB-Diploma Programme

Room TBA | Presenter: May Ng

Section S23* – IB-Middle Years Programme
Room TBA | Presenter: Carole Paquette

Section S24 – Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization (EDI-D) Cohort
Room TBA | Presenter: Farah Meralli

Section 320 – French
SCRF 1007 | Presenter: Sonya Woloshen

*May not be held due to IB orientation one week prior

2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
BEd Social at the Gallery, AMS Student Nest

Elementary & Middle Years Orientation Schedule

2024/25 Elementary & Middle Years Orientation Schedule

Thursday, September 5, 2024
Room 1013 – 2207 Main Mall, Earth Sciences Building (ESB)

Please note, this schedule is subject to change.

10:00 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.
Welcome | Dr. Karen Ragoonaden, Associate Dean, Teacher Education
Welcome to Territory | Marny Point, Lecturer, NITEP (Indigenous Teacher Education Program)

10:05 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Remarks | Dr. Jan Hare, Dean, Faculty of Education

10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Overview of the BEd Program | Dr. Karen Ragoonaden
Professionalism and Attendance Policy | John Yamamoto, Director, Teacher Education Office
Introduction to SLIDO

10:30 a.m. – 11:10 a.m. 
Ed Lightening Talks | Dr. Joaquin Munoz, Assistant Professor, EDCP, Dr. Melanie Nelson, Assistant Professor, ECPS, Dr. Peter Nelson, Assistant Professor of Teaching, EDCP, Dr. Harini Rajagopal, LLED, Tricia Yurkowski, Adjunct Teaching Professor, LLED
SLIDO Questions | Graham Setters & Greta Bartsch, Program Managers, TEO

11:10 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.
Stretch Break

11:20 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.
Jessica Knott, Director, Office of Indigenous Education

11:25 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Practicum | Greta Bartsch, Program Manager – Practicum, TEO

11:30 a.m. – 11:35 a.m.
Community Field Experience (CFE) | Tricia Murray, Program Manager – Community Field Experience (Local, Rural and International)

11:35 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.
Michelle Lim, Education Embedded Counsellor

11:40 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Student Services | Graham Setters, Program Manager – Indigenous, Rural & Remote, and International Cohort BEd Program Pathways, TEO

11:50 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.
Learning Design

11:55 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Introduction to Campus Quest | Dr. Natasha Boškić, Director, Learning Design, and Eduardo Rebagliati, Learning Technology Specialist, LDDI

12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Campus Quest

12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Elementary & Middle Years Cohort Meetings – Following lunch, elementary & middle years teacher candidates will gather with their cohort groups. This is an opportunity to connect, ask questions, and form community.

Click for sections & room locations

(You can find your section number in Workday.)

Arts Based & Creativity (ABC)Section 112
PCN 1008 | Presenter: Danny Bakan

Community of Inquiry in Teacher Education (CITE)Sections 101 & 111
SCRF 200 | Presenters: Anne Phelan & Ashley House

Critical and Cultural Approaches to Social and Emotional Learning (C-SEL)Sections 104 & 114
SCRF 1023 | Presenter: Alyssa Kristensen

Education for SustainabilitySections 103 & 113
SCRF 1021 | Presenters: Patrick Robertson & Alisa Paul

French SpecializationSections 105 & 115
SCRF 1004 | Presenter: Richard Beaudry

Health, Outdoor, and Physical Education (HOPE) – Section 117
PCN 1302 | Presenter: Joy Fast

Indigenous EducationSection 107
SCRF 203 | Presenter: Carolyn Roberts

International Baccalaureate – Primary Years Programme (IB-PYP)Section 102
SCRF 201 | Presenter: Meredith Fenton

Middle Years – Self Regulated Learning (MY/SRL) – Sections 110 & 120
SCRF 1003 | Presenter: Christi Livingstone

Primary Years (Kindergarten to Grade 3) – Sections 108 & 118
SCRF 204 | Presenter: Tricia Yurkowski

Teaching English Language Learning Through a Cross-Curricular Case-Based Inquiry Approach (TELL-3C) – Sections 109 & 119
SCRF 1005 | Presenter: Jessica Cassady

2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
BEd Social at the Gallery, AMS Student Nest
