Visiting and Unclassified Students

Visiting Students

Visiting students are enrolled in undergraduate studies for transfer to a degree program at another recognized institution. The student must be in good standing at the home university, meet UBC English language admission standards, submit official sealed transcripts and a letter of permission with their application. Course registrations will be made on a space–available basis only.

A Letter of Permission is valid for one session only. A Letter of Permission must be submitted for any subsequent sessions in which a student wishes to register for courses.

Application with a Letter of Permission from the home university does not necessarily guarantee the applicants admission to the Faculty of Education as a visitor. The same admission requirements for the program (or pre–requisites for the courses) and other criteria shall also apply. For detailed information, please contact the Teacher Education Office.

Please refer to “Section 11” of the UBC Calendar for regulations regarding visiting students.

Unclassified Students

Unclassified students are enrolled for studies not intended to lead to a particular degree or diploma. Some unclassified students are taking courses for a certificate. Unclassified students should normally have a recognized degree. Students must meet UBC English language admission standards and submit official sealed transcripts with their application.

Admission as an unclassified student does not guarantee that a student will be able to register for any course offered. Unclassified students may only register in a course with the permission of the faculty giving the course. Admission as an unclassified student does not imply future admission as a regular student.

Unclassified students will not receive transfer credit since they are not in a program to which credit can be transferred. Students with a failed year in a faculty will not be admitted as unclassified until they have discontinued their studies for at least one year. After a second failed year admission as unclassified will be subject to the approval of the Senate Admissions Committee.

Please refer to “Section 10” of the UBC Calendar for regulations regarding unclassified students.

Transferring Credits to the Diploma in Education:

There are a few regulations about transferring credits that you need to be aware of if you are preparing to do so. Please review Transfer Credits on the PDCE website, or contact a program coordinator in the Teacher Education Office for advising and approval.