Guidelines for Teacher Candidates

Teacher candidates are guests in schools and classrooms. They are also learners who are developing instructional strategies to be implemented in their practicum classrooms.

The UBC BEd program provides teacher candidates with weekly school visits, a two-week orientation practicum, and a 10-week certifying practicum. Through these experiences, teacher candidates learn first-hand how teaching is enacted and how learning occurs in classrooms. They then learn how teaching and learning take place in other contexts during a three-week community field experience.

During each practicum, teacher candidates will:


  • Observe students in different contexts.
  • Focus on students as they learn, and on teachers as they teach.
  • Ask questions of school and faculty advisors.
  • Engage with students and school personnel.
  • Observe and listen with intent to reflect on emerging practice.

Be Collegial

  • Establish a professional relationship with the school advisor(s).
  • Learn about the philosophy and culture of the school.
  • Become familiar with the school library and resources.
  • Consult school advisor(s) about school policies, protocols and expectations.

Plan, Teach, Reflect

  • Establish a professional relationship with the school advisor(s).
  • Learn about the philosophy and culture of the school.
  • Become familiar with the school library and resources.
  • Consult school advisor(s) about school policies, protocols and expectations.
  • Speak professionally about colleagues and advisors.
  • Plan to be at school early each day and allow for time after school for planning and discussion with advisors and students.
  • Observe and note emerging questions about classroom life and teaching practice.
  • Discuss with advisors.
  • Prepare to teach; this may involve starting with small group activities and gradually increasing to whole group instruction. Likewise, assignments may range from partial lessons (e.g., team teaching) to teaching entire lessons. Plan in advance by inquiring about concepts, units/themes to be taught during the certifying practicum.
  • In preparation for the certifying practicum, plan with the end in mind. How will you ensure learning takes place for all students? How will you assess for learning? How will assessment of learning take place? How will your students reflect on their learning?
  • Begin to set goals for professional growth and seek support to achieve goals.
  • Keep a record of reflection on teaching and learning.

Demonstrate Professionalism

  • Adhere to principles of professional conduct as outlined in the Bachelor of Education Guidelines and the UBC Bachelor of Education Performance Checklist.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the Professional Standards for BC Educators .
  • Be aware of the BC Teachers’ Federation’s Code of Ethics in relations with administrators, teachers, faculty advisors, teacher candidates, students and their parents/guardians.
  • Follow attendance guidelines as posted on the TEO website. If absent, complete the Absence Report form, notify the school and faculty advisors directly.
  • Provide unit and lesson plans for the school advisor(s) and faculty advisor as required.

Cooperate, Collaborate, Contribute

  • Work with school advisor(s) to ensure a gradual immersion into teaching during each practicum experience.
  • Invite suggestions and feedback on improvements to teaching and act on them accordingly.
  • Reflect on emerging practice as a teacher. Be willing to share reflections on teaching
  • with advisors.
  • Elicit feedback from school and faculty advisors to improve practice. Consider inviting others to observe during the practicum as well.
  • Seek clarity when interpreting feedback with the goal of developing skills and improving
  • teaching practice.
  • Observe the teaching of other teacher candidates, school advisor(s) and other teachers
  • where possible.
  • Cooperate and collaborate with members of the supervisory team and other school personnel.
  • Contribute to the life of the school community.