
Academic Concession

Teacher candidates may request concessions from their instructors where illness, injury or unusual circumstances warrant. In each case, if a request for a concession is granted, the instructor and teacher candidate will agree (in writing) on a specific date for completion of the outstanding work and any conditions that apply. This date must be set prior to the next full term.

Please consult a TEO program coordinator/program manager whenever concessions are requested or when there are any other unusual circumstances affecting grades. A Deferred Standing (SD) grade must be approved by the TEO or the head of the department concerned. Please consult with a TEO program coordinator/program manager for more information about the steps involved.

Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy: Cohort Websites

A cohort may establish its own website or blog. Personal student information, including names, phone numbers and email addresses, should not be posted on the site without the written permission of each teacher candidate.

Please retain the written permission forms as part of course records. Refer to Appendix A for a sample form to use when obtaining such permission.

Guidelines for School and Faculty Advisors Regarding Videotaping Teacher Candidates on Practicum

When video recording is used on practicum to provide teacher candidates with feedback on their practice, please ensure the following:

  • The school has given permission for video recording to occur.
  • The teacher candidate has checked for signed school media consent forms for their students to
    be videotaped.
  • The teacher candidate has agreed to being video recorded by signing a UBC consent form.
  • The teacher candidate is aware that the taping will occur and understands the purpose of the recorded observation.
  • The focus of the video record is the teacher candidate and not the classroom students.
  • The video is used for professional purposes only (i.e., is not used for general viewing).
  • The video record/file is erased when its purpose has been fulfilled.

Course Instructor Evaluations

It is Faculty of Education policy that every course with five or more teacher candidates be evaluated using an online system. Evaluation surveys will open one week prior to the course end date. Surveys close on the course end day for summer session courses and 1 week following the end of winter session courses.

Instructors will receive email notification four days prior to the day their course survey opens. This email will give instructors a few days lead time before the survey opens to discuss the online process with teacher candidates either face-to-face in class or by email.

It is strongly recommended that instructors arrange for in-class time to complete the survey; otherwise, completion rates are low. Instead, instructors are expected to allow time in the last class for students to complete the course evaluation.

Instructors will have access to their evaluations and results several weeks after all grades for the term have been submitted.

Learn more about the Course Evaluation website.

Teacher candidates will receive an email on the day the survey opens. If they haven’t completed the evaluations two days after surveys open, they will receive a reminder. If they still haven’t completed the survey by the day the survey closes (last day of class), they will receive a final reminder. Teacher candidates have one week to complete the surveys for summer session courses and two weeks for winter session courses. Student completion of online evaluations is voluntary.

Appeal Process

Teacher candidates may appeal decisions relating to their academic coursework. Appeals should first be directed to the instructor. If there is no resolution, appeals should be made in writing to the head of the department concerned. If it is an EDUC course (including practica or community field experience), the appeal is directed to the TEO. Appeals received by the Associate Dean within 60 days of the decision, will be reviewed and forwarded to the Committee on Curriculum, Admissions, Standings, and Appeals (CCASA).

See the Concerns/Appeals – Coursework + Practicum or speak with a program coordinator/program manager.