Faculty Resources

School Advisor Resources

Practicum Guidelines for School Advisors

Please visit the UBC School Advisor Resources blog:


SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) UBC Resources

SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) UBC web page: sogi.educ.ubc.ca

Alberta’s Teaching Sexual Health website

All-Gender, Multi-User Elementary School Washrooms

Anti-discrimination Response Training (A.R.T.) — What can YOU do when you witness discrimination?

Being Safe, Being Me: Results of the Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey

Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education

A Family’s Story

Gender Pronouns

Options For Sexual Health (Vancouver Based Sexual Health Organization)

Possible Inclusion Statements for Course Outlines (3 versions)

Public Health Canada Q&A Guide to Sexual Orientation in Schools

Public Health Canada Q&A Guide to Gender Identity in Schools

Sexual Health of Youth in BC Report

SOGI Education Film & Video List

SOGI Goals and Best Practices

SOGI-Inclusive Environments (includes videos, programs, glossary)

SOGI-Inclusive Policies & Procedures

SOGI-Inclusive Resources (includes lesson plans)

SOGI Scenarios for Teacher/Administrator Development

What’s in a name? Navigating mispronunciation and misgendering with grace in student advising

Resources and Books to Learn More About Gender Diversity

Questions and Answers: Gender Identity in Schools (2011) by Public Health Agency of Canada

Schools in Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools (2015) by coalition of American organizations such as Gender Spectrum and National Center for Lesbian Rights

Supporting Transgender and Transsexual Students in K-12 Schools: A Guide for Educators (2012) by Canadian Teachers’ Federation

Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children by Diane Ehrensaft

The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes (2016) by Diane Ehrensaft

Gender and Sexual Diversity in Schools (2010) by Elizabeth J. Meyer

Sexual Health Information Disparities Between Heterosexual and LGBTQ+ Young Adults: Implications for sexual health
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 25, Number 2, 2016, pp. 74-85 by Maxime Charest, Peggy J. Kleinplatz, and Jessie I. Lund

Supporting Transgender & Gender Creative Youth (2014) by Elizabeth J. Meyer and Annie Pullen Sansfaçon

The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals (2008) by Rachel Pepper and Stephanie Brill

The Transgender Teen: A Handbook for Parents and Professionals Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Teens (2016) by Stephanie Brill and Lisa Kenney

Lesson Plans and Other Curricular Resources

BC Teachers Foundation

The Gender Spectrum Handbook (2014) by Pride Education Network

Out in Schools Films and Curriculum

Pride Education Network – This website has book lists for teachers.

SOGI 123

VSB Pride Blog

Welcoming Schools (K-7)

Ressources en français


Guide “Diversité sexuelle et de genre: Ressource pédagogique inclusive” du Nouveau Brunswick (ainsi qu’un guide sur la création et la mise en oeuvre d’un comité de la diversité sexuelle, de genre et leurs allié(e)s dans les écoles

Modules sur le site Bien-être@l’école

Site Internet Enfants Transgenres

Association Lab-Elle: Sélection d’albums illustrés qui promeuvent l’égalité fille-garçon

Éditions Talons Hauts: Des livres qui bousculent les idées reçues​

UBC Resources

Understanding Academic Integrity (Chapman Learning Commons)

UBC Access & Diversity

UBC Bookstore

UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
CTLT provides services and programs to advance the scholarly practice of all members of the UBC teaching community and support technology-enabled learning environments and distance learning opportunities.

UBC Copyright

“Copyright and the Classroom” 
Joy Kirchner, Scholarly Communications Coordinator and Coordinator for UBC’s copyright education programming, provides an overview of UBC’s Copyright and Fair Dealing guidelines.

UBC Digital Tattoo

UBC Education IT
Equipment and computer lab booking in the Faculty of Education

UBC Education Library

UBC Security – Report a non-emergency incident

Mental Health and Wellbeing: Assisting Students in Distress – UBC Online Tool for Faculty, Staff and Students