Attendance + Participation

Attendance Policy

The nature of the teacher education program is highly participatory. Regular attendance in all classes (including online or in-person lectures, laboratories, tutorials, seminars, practicum, field experiences, etc.) and the timely completion of assignments are essential to success in the teacher education program.

It is important that teacher candidates understand and value the time commitments made by faculty and colleagues to their learning, especially given the highly participatory nature of the program. Regular attendance in all classes and field experiences is expected and reflects a commitment to the professional practice.

Satisfactory attendance includes, but is not limited to, attending on time, staying in class throughout the entire lesson, and participating in all scheduled coursework and field experiencesas, well as online learning modalities. Poor attendance has a negative effect on morale, is considered unprofessional, and can lead to candidates not achieving the required breadth and depth of experiences.

Attendance is mandatory for classes preceding and following holidays, long weekends, and ends of term. Absences beyond two days per course during regular terms and one day per course during condensed (four to six weeks) terms must be discussed with a program coordinator/manager. All absences must be reported using the Absence Report Form made available through the TEO website.

Respectful Learning Environment

To ensure a respectful learning environment, teacher candidates will:

  • arrive on time for class (includes face-to-face or online learning environments),
  • attend all registered classes (see attendance policy),
  • stay for the entire duration of each class (unless prior approval has been obtained for early dismissal),
  • restrict the use of digital devices to work related to the class in session,
  • refrain from bringing children to class.

Anticipated Absences

Examples of anticipated absences include religious holidays (in accordance with UBC policy), participation in major varsity, national or international team events, or compassionate leave. For anticipated absences, teacher candidates must meet with a program coordinator/manager and/or notify the Teacher Education Office in writing at least two weeks in advance.

When scheduling personal appointments (e.g., routine medical or dental care, weddings, travel, etc.), teacher candidates are expected to make arrangements that do not conflict with scheduled classes or practicum/field experiences. Please note that certain absences (e.g., vacations) are not appropriate reasons for missing course work or practicum/field experiences.

Non-UBC professional development experiences (aside from scheduled pre-approved events such as WestCAST), are not excused and these absences may result in a failing grade for a course or practicum/field experience.

Teacher candidates are expected to follow proper procedure for any absences that occur during the program. This protocol aligns with the responsibilities and expectations of all teaching professionals when reporting absences.

Unanticipated Absences

Occasionally, teacher candidates may need to be absent from classes due to unexpected reasons (e.g., illness, injury, bereavement). In such cases, teacher candidates are expected to inform all parties as early as possible.

Reporting Absences

Absences are reported using the Absence Report Form. Please click on the accordions below for steps on notifying the appropriate parties.

When there is an absence, teacher candidates need to submit an Absence Report Form and provide the reason(s) for their absence. This communication should be provided as early as possible.

In cases where prolonged absences are the result of medical or health reasons (e.g., surgery, accidents, illness), academic concession or accommodation as per UBC policy and medical or other professional documentation may be required. This will be submitted to the TEO in addition to completing the online Absence Report Form. Communicating directly with a TEO program coordinator/manager to request academic concession or accommodation is required.

Teacher candidates must notify instructors of all the missed classes by forwarding the Absence Report email confirmation. This communication should be provided as early as possible prior to the absence.

Teacher candidates bear the full responsibility to inquire about and make up for missed assignments. In certain cases, teacher candidates may be asked to complete alternate/additional assignments to fulfill course requirements.

Accommodations and academic concessions need to be discussed and approved in advance with program coordinators/managers. See the section on Academic Concessions + Accommodations. You may be advised to register for accommodations with the Centre for Accessibility.

Teacher candidates are required to provide advance notice of their absence(s) to their school advisor(s) and faculty advisor.

Teacher candidates must notify their practicum faculty advisor by forwarding the Absence Report email confirmation. This communication should be provided as early as possible, but no later than 8:00 a.m. of the day of the absence.

Teacher candidates must also follow the school protocol for reporting teacher absence (e.g., communication with the front office staff) and with their school advisor. Teacher candidates are also responsible for providing adequate planning if they will be absent on a day they are scheduled to teach.

Consequences of Excessive and/or Inappropriate Absences

Attendance and participation are important aspects of professionalism, and poor attendance may lead to the inability to meet expectations in coursework or field experiences, resulting in a fail.

To reiterate: regular attendance in all classes and field experiences is a professional commitment expected of all teacher candidates.