2025 Summer Session registration opens Wednesday, February 26, 2025 | 8:30 a.m.
Please review the information below to help you navigate summer registration.
Secondary teacher candidates do not register in a standard timetable for the summer session. You will add the individual course sections to your registration by following the instructions below.
Teacher candidates register for two terms:
- Summer Session Term 1:
- Community Field Experience: May 12 to May 30, 2025
- Classes: June 2 to 27, 2025
- Summer Session Term 2:
- Classes: July 2 to 25, 2025
Advising is available from the Teacher Education Office throughout the program.
Registration Instructions
Step 1: Create saved schedules
Plan a conflict-free timetable by creating saved schedules prior to your registration date. You can create one or more saved schedules at myworkday.ubc.ca by adding available course sections.
A “saved schedule” is a draft timetable in Workday where you can plan out your classes for the upcoming academic session. Creating a saved schedule does not register you in courses.
- Click the “Academics” tab in the “Your Top Apps” menu on the right side of the page.
- Click the “Registration & Courses” tab in the top menu.
- On the “Registration” menu to the very right, click the “Find Course Sections” link. You must start here to build a saved schedule.
- Select your academic term:
- In the pop-up menu, select the term you want to find course sections for:
- Click the “Start Date within” field.
- Choose ‘2025 Summer Session (UBC-V)’.
- Select your academic level:
- In the pop-up menu, select the academic level you are searching for:
- Click the “Academic Level” field. Select ‘Undergraduate’ from the list.
- Do not select ‘Academic Level Not Applicable’. This will result in an error.
- Filter your search results.
- Add courses to your schedule.
- If you have not made any saved schedules yet, you’ll need to create a new one. Since you can create multiple Saved Schedules, it can be helpful to identify the academic year in the name to avoid confusion (e.g., “2025S First Choice”).
- Click the “Choose Times” button to select your course sections.
Your saved schedule should contain all required courses for the summer session.
Step 2: Register in courses
On your registration date, log into Workday Student and register in your saved schedule.
How-to tutorials for registering in Workday are available at https://workday.students.ubc.ca/.
Go to the Course Selection Instructions tab above for the list of required courses. There are limited seats in all course sections. If the section you have selected is full, then you must select a different section.
Step 3: View course schedule
Login to Workday and go to Academics > Registration & Courses > View My Courses to view your course schedule. Check your schedule again in mid-May in case changes have been made.
Step 4: Financial summary
Go to the Finances app in Workday for information about deadlines for tuition and fee payment.
Step 5: Review contact info
Go to the Personal Information app in Workday to review your mailing and email addresses. Make sure they are correct.
Course Selection Instructions
Step 1: EDUC 430 – Community Field Experience
Add EDUC 430 section 301 to your registration.
Step 2: EDST 403 & EDST 404
Add one section from both EDST 403 & EDST 404 to your registration. Choose from sections 301 to 310. For EDST 404, also add the corresponding Discussion section to your registration.
Teacher candidates with a teachable subject area in French should register in section 310.
Step 3: EDUC 452B
Add one section of EDUC 452B to your registration.
Register in the section which corresponds to your EDUC 450B/451B section number from the Winter Session.
Step 4: LLED 361
Add one section of LLED 361 to your registration. Choose from sections 920 to 929.
Teacher candidates with a teachable subject area in French should register in section 929.
Step 5: Electives
Choose an elective in the next tab: “Electives”. Add an elective to your registration.
Teacher candidates in the IB option: The IB elective completed in the Winter Session fulfills the 3 credit elective requirement. You do not need to register for an additional elective for the Summer Session.
Step 6: EDUC 440B
Add one section of EDUC 440B to your registration. Choose from sections 301 to 310. Register in the section which corresponds to your EDUC 440A section number from the Winter Session.
Teacher candidates with a teachable subject area in French should register in section 310.
Step 7: EPSE 317
Add one section of EPSE 317 to your registration. Choose from sections 925 to 929 and 974 to 978.
Step 8: EDUC 442A
Add EDUC 442A section 477 to your registration.
EDCP 309 – Instrumental Pedagogy: Elementary
Description TBA.
EDCP 323 – Outdoor Environmental Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy
EDCP 323 aims to introduce teachers to outdoor learning in relation to curriculum, pedagogy, practical experiences, place/land-based learning, and professional responsibilities, such as risk management.
EDCP 325 – Approaches to Health Education
The typical approach, and probably the one that we all experienced at school, is based on the idea that health is about what we are as biological beings that are the sum of our genes and health behaviours. That the focus of health education is about giving people/young people knowledge that should influence attitudes and finally change behaviours. But what if we thought about health as social? That how long and how well we live is more likely to be determined by circumstances related to where we live and who we are. Health education in this case needs to be from a different perspective. This requires us to ask how might we engage our students with a more democratic approach to health education?
EDCP 328 – Environmental Education
EDCP 328 Environmental Education is open to those interested in Eco-Pedagogy, learning in, from, and alongside nature with a focus on Environmental Science, Environmental Ethics, First People’s Principles and Place, and Land Education.
EDCP 343 – Mathematics Education: Problem Solving
What is a (mathematical) problem and how do learners approach problem solving? How to write, find and recognize ‘good’ problems? How does problem solving fit our inquiry-based mathematics curriculum? We will explore a wide range of problems from many branches of mathematics, and research ideas about teaching and learning through interesting problems, aiming to develop our students’ skills as confident, competent, creative problem solvers.
EDCP 400B – Studies in an Art Education Studio Area
This course provides a space for participants (with or without a background in the arts) to consider and creatively explore the ways sculpture, installation and 3D art practices can be relevant and generative for teachers and students. Through demonstrations, discussions and hand-on projects, participants will be introduced to various approaches in making and exploring objects and materials, engage with conceptual/aesthetic frameworks to think the sculptural, and consider the social and cultural contexts in which objects are placed (why does place matter?). Contemporary sculptural practices point to social forces, induce experiences, foster encounters, provoke thought, trigger wonderings, and can be rich pedagogical events.
EDCP 453 – Biology for Teaching: Topics and Pedagogical Approaches – Secondary
EDCP 453 Biology for Teaching is a hands-on inquiry focused course for non biology majors that covers how and what to teach in the secondary Biology classroom with a focus on the BC curriculum including Place and First People’s Principles.
EDCP 455 – Earth and Space Science for Teaching: Topics and Pedagogical Approaches – Secondary
EDCP 455 Earth Space for Teaching is an introductory course that aligns with the BC curriculum and is designed for those interested in learning and experiencing hands-on inquiry focused curriculum and pedagogy in secondary Earth and Space sciences.
EDCP 456 – Botany for Teaching: Topics and Pedagogical Approaches – Secondary
This course invites you onto a collaborative learning journey exploring outdoor experiential education (OEE) and science pedagogy through ethnobotany, by studying the interconnections between plants and people. Guiding perspectives will come through connecting with local Indigenous wisdom and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), where the aim is to “foster deeper understanding of ways of knowing and being, histories, and cultures of First Nation, Inuit, and Metis,” which is part of the new Professional Standard 9 for teachers in B.C. Together we will identify our prior knowledge on ethnobotany and set our learning intentions for the course. Our aim will be developing theoretical knowledge on teaching through botany while building a practical repertoire of learning tools we can implement in our teaching praxis. This may include topics such as First Nations Principle of Learning, mother trees, the wood wide web (mycology), school gardening, nature art, spuds in tubs, three sister gardens, risk assessment and safety protocols, as well as plant identification and use. We will embrace ‘Head, Hands and Heart’ learning, a process that engages learners in critical thinking (heads-on), doing (hands-on), and being (hearts-in) (Sipos-Randor, 2001). May this course plant ideas to cultivate and grow.
EDCP 467A – Special Topics in Curriculum and Pedagogy: Refugee Education
This course is intended to provide teacher candidates with information and a deeper understanding of refugee experiences, histories and contemporary realities. Teacher candidates will explore how curriculum, teaching, and programming of classrooms, schools, and community contexts can influence newly resettled, displaced children and youth. Further, this course is intended to provide teacher candidates with opportunities to prepare themselves for the classroom; special attention will be given to educational tools, resources and publications for teaching practices and cultural production. The goal is to also develop respectful and engaging relationships between newcomer families and educational institutions. Our overall goal is to assist those becoming professional educators to contribute to positively transforming student refugee experiences so that educational outcomes for refugee learners improve in Canada and enhance the overall learning opportunities for all students.
EDCP 467D – Special Study: Home Economics – Practical Foods 1
Learning to cook is a meaningful activity for all ages. It involves more than merely opening a pre-packaged product; cooking skills are essential for living well and serve as a fantastic outlet for creativity. In this course, you will engage in hands-on food experiences, preparing various dishes while learning about food behavior.
EDCP 481 – Media Studies Across the Curriculum
Media studies is a dynamic discipline tailored to exploring a range of concepts, techniques, and themes. In addition to understanding media and the process of meaning-making, media studies also focuses on making and managing media across formats, creative expression, and civic engagement. This year’s section of EDCP 481 helps students develop awareness of media studies and media literacy, especially as they relate to the BC Curriculum; build understanding of key aspects related to media in the postdigital age, including social media, internet algorithms, and artificial intelligence; learn about the use of media in their personal and professional lives; and explore the creation of media and curricular materials that integrate media studies and media literacy into their subject areas of specialization.
EDCP 496 – Global Education & Curriculum
This course will explore the meaning of global education, and the idea of teaching with/through a global perspective.
EDST 428 – Social Foundations of Education
Educational Studies 428 draws from anthropology, history, philosophy, and/or sociology or takes an interdisciplinary (e.g., cultural studies) perspective on education in British Columbia within a Canadian context. Instructors have latitude to give this course a special focus. Past topics include how Indigenous education integrates into the classroom from a decolonizing lens; cultural studies and youth; gender and education; and teaching for social and environmental justice.
EPSE 432 – Classroom Management
The course introduces students to evidence-based practices in positive behaviour support that strengthen appropriate student behaviour and reduce challenging behaviour in classroom and school settings.
LLED 445 – Teaching Poetry
This course covers instructional methodologies for all forms of poetry. It is divided into three weekly topics: 1) Oral, 2) Literary, and 3) Digital or Media poetry and poetics. Students are expected to engage in a personal quest for poems that will provide the basis for preparing poetry units to teach in schools and other educational settings and to augment these with their own creative writing. Both canonical and non-canonical examples will be used, ranging from poetry in popular culture to ancient and archaic texts. In addition, this course emphasizes a multicultural, world literature approach, and embraces texts in translation from a variety of languages, writing systems, and traditions. One of the starting premises for this course is that a) there is no singular or correct reading of a poetic text, and that all interpretations are possible—divergence is to be encouraged!, b) until one plays with a text, it is hard to get to know it!; c) equal emphasis on appreciating poetry and generating poetry is essential to effective poetic pedagogy.
LLED 371 – Foundations of Teaching French: Secondary
This course is articulated around the question: How can we teach French in an inclusive, equitable and effective manner so that each student learns and develops their French proficiency and an intercultural mindset? Anchored in an intercultural orientation and focusing on oral language development and literacy skills in a second language, students will work on planning, teaching and assessing language tasks and strategies for teaching intermediate Core French levels. The course will be taught in French and English, and will be adapted to the students’ proficiency level. It is offered to BEd candidates who are registered in the Core French Option for Non-specialists as well as other BEd candidates who have basic French proficiency and an interest in French. This course is NOT open for BEd candidates in the French specialization.
LLED 478C (6 credits) – Introduction to Teaching English as a Second Language
This six-credit course provides a general overview of teaching English as a second/foreign language (ESL/EFL). Its scope is diverse as it considers various approaches to second language (L2) teaching, a wide range of L2 teaching techniques and strategies, learner needs, instructional contexts, assessment, teacher collaboration, technology, and sociopolitical concerns, particularly as they pertain to teaching English domestically and internationally. The course examines in some detail ways to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary but always with a view to integrating these “skills,” and teaching language and content as inseparable.