
If you need to be absent from class or practicum, submit an Absence Report Form.

The nature of the Teacher Education Program is highly participatory. Regular attendance in all classes (including lectures, laboratories, tutorials, seminars, practicum, field experiences, etc.) and the timely completion of assignments are essential to success in the BEd program. This includes attendance and participation in synchronous online classes and asynchronous coursework.

Teacher candidates are expected to follow proper procedure for any absences that occur during the program. This protocol aligns with the responsibilities and expectations of all teaching professionals when reporting absences.

NITEP teacher candidates (Years 1-3), please use this form.

Absence from Class

Absence from Class

If you must be absent, submit the Absence Report Form. You will receive an email confirmation that your request for absence has been acknowledged. Please forward this confirmation to relevant instructors.

  • If you are ill for two or more consecutive days, please be prepared to provide a doctor’s note.
  • If you are requesting approval for an absence for non-medical reasons, you may be required to provide documentation to support your absence (depending on the type of absence).
  • For unexcused absences, and in some cases excused absences, you may be required to submit a plan, agreed upon by your instructors, which includes make-up assignments for course times missed.
Absence from Practicum

Absence from Practicum

If you must be absent, submit the Absence Report Form. You must notify your school (front office) and faculty advisor without delay. Forward your confirmation email to all of your advisors as you would with missed coursework.

You will also need to provide your school advisor(s) with lesson plans and resources for any lessons you are scheduled to teach.

Absence from Community Field Experience

Absence from Community Field Experience

Passing the CFE course is based upon 100% participation. If you must be absent, submit the Absence Report Form, and notify your community partner and faculty advisor without delay.

Approval will be processed by a program manager in the Teacher Education Office.

If you are absent because of illness, you will be expected to submit a physician’s medical note to the program coordinator.

As soon as you are able, you are expected to:

  • negotiate with your community partner to make up missed time
  • report how you will be making up your time to your faculty advisor and the CFE program manager.

Those unable to make up this time during the three weeks must discuss options with the community field experience program manager.

Weather Advisory

The Faculty of Education follows the UBC directive for all weather advisories. You can sign up for UBC Alert on Workday Student and check for announcements on:

If the university is open, classes are in session (unless you hear directly from your instructor). If you are unable to make it to a class, complete the absence form as you normally would. If you will be at a school site that day, check the school district website for alerts and possible closures and if necessary, complete an absence form as usual.