2024/25 Course Schedules:
Inquiry and Indigenous Education in Canada
EDUC 450, 451 & 452: Inquiry and EDUC 440: Indigenous Education in Canada courses are offered to all teacher candidates. See the tabs below for further information on the courses.
EDUC 450 – Inquiry Seminar I:
Inquiry Seminar I is designed to engender:
- an understanding of teaching as a moral and intellectual activity requiring inquiry, judgement and engagement with multiple others—students, parents, colleagues, scholarly community.
- an appreciation of the importance of research in understanding curriculum, teaching and learning.
- a desire to engage in one’s own educational inquiries—to become students of teaching.
EDUC 451 – Inquiry Seminar II:
Inquiry Seminar II is designed to provide opportunities:
- To engage in teacher inquiry around a theme, a particular curriculum emphasis or an educational issue of one’s choosing.
- To demonstrate understandings acquired during course work and develop deeper understandings of a particular area of educational study.
- To begin to make links between one’s inquiry topic and one’s practice as a beginning teacher.
EDUC 452 – Inquiry Seminar III:
Inquiry Seminar III is designed to provide opportunities to reflect upon and represent one’s learning experiences (in the teacher education program) in light of a critical engagement with what it means to be a professional and to be engaged in a profession. This includes revisiting one’s inquiry question/s in a post-practicum and pre-career space: where is the inquiry process now? has the question shifted? what questions have emerged?
The sharing of this reflective process allows one to demonstrate:
- A growing awareness of commitments and responsibilities to the profession, self and others.
- A developing ability to engage thoughtfully in practice, to raise critical questions and wonder ‘out loud’ about an individual and collective professional future.
Aboriginal Education in Canada
EDUC 440 – Aboriginal Education in Canada is intended to provide teacher candidates with opportunities to explore how to respectfully and meaningfully integrate Aboriginal/Indigenous history, content, and world views.
You will examine the role of Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing in Aboriginal/Indigenous societies and learn how to make use of this knowledge in your planning for the classroom, school and community. The goal is to assist all educators to make a contribution to transforming Aboriginal education in order to improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal/Indigenous learners and enhance learning for all students.
Course topics include:
- our relationship to Indigenous peoples and Indigenous education
- Indigenous knowledge in education
- looking back, looking forward: Aboriginal education in Canada
- teaching residential school history and texts
- integrating indigenous content, perspectives and knowledge into the curriculum
- pedagogical approaches in Indigenous education
- Aboriginal family and community engagement
- Indigenous languages and the classroom
- sharing responsibility for transforming Indigenous education