Information for Self-Identified Indigenous Applicants

The UBC Teacher Education Office invites applications from qualified, self-identified Canadian Indigenous people (Status Indians, Non-Status Indians, Métis, and Inuit). Indigenous applicants should contact the Teacher Education Office for specific details on applying to the 11-month Bachelor of Education at UBC Vancouver or the West Kootenay Rural Teacher Education Program. Applicants who self-identify as Indigenous will be considered according to their qualifications presented at the time of application.

What is Required to Apply?

Applicants to the 11-month BEd program should have a 4-year 120-credit degree from an accredited post-secondary institution. If you do not have a degree or are currently a high school student, you may be interested in the Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP).

For 11-month applicants with degrees, you can find more information about requirements and how to apply here.

Who Can Apply as an Indigenous Applicant?

Anybody who self-identifies as a First Nations (Status or Non-Status Indian), Métis, or Inuit person of Canada is eligible to apply as an Indigenous applicant.

What Funding Opportunities are Available?

Applicants may be eligible for funding from their respective bands, if applicable. There are also external funding agencies such as the following:

UBC First Nation Musqueam Scholarship
Irving K. Barber Awards
Native Indian Brotherhood Trust
New Relationship Trust

I Have More Questions

Great! We would love to answer your questions. Feel free to contact the Teacher Education Office Manager of Admissions and Recruitment, Derek Wong or Indigenous Education Program Advisor, Alexis Okabe for more information regarding your application to the 11-Month BEd at UBC Vancouver and how we can help you to achieve your goal of becoming a teacher.