Information for Former Youth in Care Applicants
The UBC Teacher Education Office invites applications from qualified prospective students who have lived as a youth in care in British Columbia. Former youth in care applicants should contact Enrolment Services and the Teacher Education Office for specific details on applying to the 11-month Bachelor of Education programs at UBC Vancouver or the West Kootenay Rural Teacher Education Program (WKTEP). Former youth in care applicants will be considered according to their qualifications presented at the time of application.
Who can apply as a former youth in care applicant?
If you were living in British Columbia as a youth in care between the ages of 12 and 19, you may be considered under UBC’s Youth in Care admission policy. For full details, please visit this website.
How to apply?
UBC has a dedicated Enrolment Services Advisor, Sabrina Materie, to support former youth in care applicants. As a first point of contact, please connect with Sabrina to discuss supports for youth in care, financial awards, and student services specific to your situation.
On the application form to the Bachelor of Education program, be sure to self-identify as a youth in care applicant. Please connect with Sabrina Materie before submitting your application form.
If you have any specific questions around the admissions process, please contact the Teacher Education Office for more information.
What funding opportunities are available?
Various forms of funding may be available, including tuition waivers, awards, and financial assistance programs. Please visit the Youth in Care Funding page for more details.