Application Status

Application Acknowledgment Email

The Teacher Education Office processes hundreds of applications to the BEd program. Upon receiving your application, we will send you an acknowledgment email. This may take up to four weeks.

Application Status on the Applicant Service Centre (ASC)

After receiving the acknowledgment email, you will be able access the Applicant Service Centre to review your current application status. The application status may indicate missing documents, received documents notifications, changes to your application status, and offers.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to check the ASC regularly for status updates. We will not personally email or call to confirm if your documents have arrived at our office.

Application Timeline

October 1Applications open
January 15Application and document deadline (reference reports and transcripts showing up to December final grades)
February – MayEvaluation of all applications (except NITEP)
June 30NITEP application deadline
MayMajority of decisions are sent out for BEd and WKTEP
June - AugustRemainder of decisions are sent out for waitlisted BEd and WKTEP applicants
Please note that all communication and interactions with the Teacher Education Office and Faculty of Education are considered part of the admissions process and are taken into account when considering applicants for admission. Admission may be denied to applicants who communicate in an unprofessional manner or who act in an inappropriate manner during the admissions process, regardless of academic standing.