Pathway for the Dual Degree

  1. To provide a more efficient pathway toward professional teaching certification than the current consecutive-degree route affords, through a reduction of credits required
    • Students are able to ‘double-count” education credits for electives.
  2. To provide earlier opportunities for integrating studies in the academic and teachable subject studies
    • Engaged in discussions of curriculum and pedagogy earlier allows students to relate thinking about how to teach their subject areas to the content they are simultaneously learning.
  3. To provide earlier opportunities classroom observation and practice teaching
    • Students begin their dual degree program with two school practica courses where they observe experienced teachers in their teachable areas.
  4. To create a more even distribution of course work across the five years of study
    • Instead of all 60 credits for the BEd being covered within the post degree 12-month option, by year 5 of the Dual Degree option, students will have covered approximately 50% of the required courses. This allows for a less condensed time frame for covering all materials in teacher education and more time for practicum preparation.
  5. To attract a larger number of high-quality applicants in high demand teachable subject areas
    • Teacher candidates enrolled in the Dual Degree program for the BEd also graduate in May rather than the following November, and have earlier opportunities to receive teacher certification and, importantly, employment opportunities.

There are many advantages to the Dual Degree program option, and if you are interested, please contact us in the Teacher Education Office.