BC Teachers’ Council Structured Dialogue | November 5, 2024

The Teacher Education Office welcomes the British Columbia Council of Teachers (BCTC) on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. As per the BCTC Cyclical Review schedule, the Council is planning to hold a Structured Dialogue at UBC Vancouver, Faculty of Education. Please welcome BCTC members:

  • Eric Tso is a program officer at the Teacher Regulation Branch at the Ministry of Education and Child Care. Having spent 10 years working for the BC Provincial Government, he is committed to the development of policy and serving the public interest. Eric holds a Bachelor of Arts from Simon Fraser University, completed the Investigations and Enforcement program at the Justice Institute of BC, and is studying Data Analytics at Langara College. In his current role, he supports the BC Teachers’ Council with regulatory reviews, stakeholder consultation, and revisions to the standards that fall under their purview.
  • Carol Arnold was born and raised in Edmonton on Treaty 6 territory and is of Métis-Cree and Scottish ancestry. She received her Bachelor of Arts (Political Science), Bachelor of Education, and completed her Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Alberta. She has maintained involvement in the BCTF as a member of the Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee and on the Social Justice Advisory Committee with the Status of Women subcommittee. Carol continues to write and facilitate workshops for the BCTF, and is currently the president of the Aboriginal Education PSA.
  • Lesya Balsevich has served 36 years as a BC educator with 30 of those years as an administrator (principal and associate superintendent) in the Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese (CISVA). As an associate superintendent for the past nine years, Lesya has focused on human resources, policy creation, teacher and administrator professional growth, and principal performance reviews. She currently serves on the Independent School Teacher Certification Standards Committee.