The University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Education offers BC’s largest and most comprehensive teacher preparation program, the only one that includes all teachable subjects for secondary education, along with an elementary & middle years option. We are also proud to be Canada’s first International Baccalaureate-recognized teacher education program.

In addition, the Faculty offers an extensive graduate program, professional development options for teachers and BC’s longest running teacher education program for those of Aboriginal heritage (NITEP).
We are committed to preparing teachers for their responsibilities as educators in both local and global contexts. When you receive a Bachelor of Education from UBC, a whole world of opportunity becomes available to you in classroom contexts and beyond.
Completing our 11-month teacher education program leads to a Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree and recommendation for teacher certification by the Ministry of Education and Child Care (Teacher Regulation Branch). You will be qualified to apply for certification to teach in the province of British Columbia. You can also apply for certification in other provinces and countries—each province and country has its own certification requirements. (Those in the IB Educator stream may also apply for the IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning.) To be eligible for the BEd degree, individuals must have completed an initial Bachelor’s degree or equivalent including relevant academic preparation. Applicants must also have volunteer or work experience in a group setting with children or youth, preferably at the age level you wish to teach.