Bachelor of Education Program

Photo: Paul H. Joseph / UBC Brand & Marketing

The Bachelor of Education Program (BEd) consists of two program options: Elementary & Middle Years and Secondary. Both options are 11 months, running from September to July, and held in person at the UBC Vancouver (Point Grey) campus.

The Faculty of Education also offers the following UBC BEd teacher education programs:

  • a Dual Degree option for UBC undergraduate students,
  • an 11-month West Kootenay Rural Teacher Education Program (WKTEP) that is hosted in Nelson, BC,
  • a two-year Rural and Remote Teacher Education Program (RRED), and
  • a four-year Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP).

To be eligible for admittance to the BEd program, individuals must have completed a bachelor degree including relevant academic preparation. Applicants must also have volunteer or work experience in a group setting with children or youth, preferably at the age level you wish to teach.

Upon completion:

Receive a Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree.

Earn a recommendation for teacher certification by the BC Ministry of Education Teacher Certification Branch (TCB).

Be qualified to apply for certification to teach in the province of British Columbia.

Be eligible to also apply for certification to teach in other provinces and countries—each province and country has its own certification requirements.